I was hoping for a safe place where at any time I can Speak and be heard.... Listen and Learn.... receive and yet give all at the same time.
I was hoping to join with other women and pray for needs.
......"For such a time as this" when Esther was in the perfect place and perfect time to help save her people.
I want to pray with others for Our Nation -as the scripture says "...if my people will Humble themselves and Pray" we need a Revival!
Do you remember the 70's when the youth was looking for "Truth". The Jesus Movement....
I was hoping for a place where ... as we did in Church.... we held up our hand and during prayer time and when asked what our prayer request was we just said..... "unspoken request".
We all knew that The Lord knows the "request", we just need to PRAY. Perfect... I was hoping that could be done here.
"Come to the Well"... because as the "song" states .... "The Woman at the Well was thirsting for THINGS that could not satisfy"... I want to remember that ONLY CHRIST can satisfy my soul. He can give me Peace that flows through me and around me, in the mist of confusion.