Let me say it again (said in other blogs)
When we laugh - little fabulous chemicals are released in our body. These "chemicals" are like a medicine that bring us health and wellness to our body and mind. It's like a shot in the arm of "health". This is a medical and spiritual truth.
Laughter: The Best Medicine
Laughter reduces pain, increases job performance, connects people emotionally, and improves the flow of oxygen to the heart and brain.
By Hara Estroff Marano, published on April 05, 2005 - last reviewed on June 21, 2005
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:
but a broken spirit drieth the bones
So, do you get this?
Then Get THIS:
Just as laughter (an emotion) is life giving, healthy and medicinal.... so is
Anger (an emotion) death to your body,
Anger (an emotion) death to your body,
produces diseases/illnesses and is a venom!
What? you think our lives are a one way street?
I know, I know.... what that person did was terrible, wrong...
they "deserve" to be hated.
You say they don't "deserve" my forgiveness or understanding... whatever
Unfortunately, for YOU
Hatred poison's YOUR BODY AND MIND and SPIRIT.
It's like a venom in your blood stream reeking havoc on Every Cell in your body and MIND too!.
The trouble is this. We at times WANT to be angry. Like it's a right of ours.
Ok, initially You should be angry when someone or something wrongs you or someone else. BUT CHANNEL that anger ! Take it and turn it around to be productive.
Emotions are an energy! Channel the energy. Once something is created it will always exist. So it must be channeled, transformed, re-cycled... etc.
The only way you can do this is to first acknowledge that the emotion anger is a "VENOM" that has been injected into your body.
The Antidote is, I believe, is a Spiritual one. Oh, I know there are many books, and Lecturer's that use the World's way... religious beliefs... guru type stuff,
great, if it works for you.
For me, I go to my creator's instruction manual
the Bible.
I seek His truth on what to do with the Anger I have experienced.
I immediately recognize when I get mad that I'm only hurting me with anger.
So, If someone has wronged me, why HURT MYSELF MORE by being angry. That really means I've been hurt TWICE!
Once they did it to me and Once I did it to myself.
Ouch, that hurts
STOP IT already!
So, when someone or something really tick's you off.
STOP, Take a Couple of deep breaths
Re-Focus on taking that emotion you're experiencing and re-directing it.
I don't know about you, but I need the mercy and grace of God to help me at times re-direct my anger. I have to be willing to let go.
Let go of something (anger) that's only HURTING ME
Robbing me of my peace and happiness.
Plus, if all emotions are rooted in two emotions: LOVE or FEAR
then I have to say.. "what am I'm afraid of?" when I'm angry.
This is a Powerful Question if you're honest enough to really think about it.
So, today... get in touch with your emotions: are they based in Love or Fear?
What do you do with them?
Your emotions bring you Health or Illness
your choice
your choice
Exercise your mind, spirit and body today!
Take charge of YOU
Take charge of YOU
that's it
that's all
I'm done
Salute! To your Health and Wellness
it's so interesting to me as I searched for the pictures in this blog the feelings associated with seeing faces of laughter vs faces of anger.
It reminds me that:
Our eye's ARE the windows of our souls.
Feed your eye's sights that bring HEALTH and WELLNESS.
it's so interesting to me as I searched for the pictures in this blog the feelings associated with seeing faces of laughter vs faces of anger.
It reminds me that:
Our eye's ARE the windows of our souls.
Feed your eye's sights that bring HEALTH and WELLNESS.