When we spend as much time being concerned about our Spiritual Health
as we do our "weight" and "looks"
we will find TRUE HEALTH and WELLNESS
When we spend as much time being concerned about our Internal Health
(cholesterol level, colon, lungs, liver, heart etc...)
as we do our outward physical looks
we will find TRUE HEALTH and WELLNESS
When we spend as much time being concerned about our Thought Life
as we do our "looks"
we will find TRUE HEALTH and WELLNESS
When we spend as much thought about how to
please the Lord as we do trying to please people
we will find TRUE HEALTH and WELLNESS
How amazing it will be if when we wake up we thought... Hummm what will I feed my Spirit?... what sounds good? I'm really hungry for the word of God?
Instead of... Hummmm what will I eat this morning... what sounds good to me?
How about when you look in the mirror while getting dressed in the morning and you said...
Gee Whiz.. how does my attitude look this morning?
or Hummm how does that focus on my goals look today?
Golly gee... I think I see some lines of unforgivenss forming on my face,
Yikes... I better fix that before I go out today.
Point is BALANCE who we are
I want to see the world through the eye's of Christ
I want to hear the world through the ear's of Christ
I want to give to the world the heart of Christ
Yes, I need to tone up my body and lose some weight
Yes, I need to strengthen my muscles
Yes, I need to eat more fruits and vegetables
Yes, I need to stay alert and engage my mind in learning new things
Yes, I need to keep my thoughts in check that they are True, Honest, Lovely, and Pure
Yes, I need to be my own coach, team player, cheer leader and spectator and Play to WIN
Yes, I need to exercise my faith,
feed my faith and become my faith
This is just as important as
feeding and exercising my body every day
I must do all these things every moment of every day
Therefore I need to equal take care of my
Then I will truly have Amazing Health and Wellness
When I am healthy I increase my value to the Lord, Family, Friends and Community
I am free to Give
when I am Healthy and Well
Proverbs 4:23-26
23Watch over your heart with all diligence,
For from it flow the springs of life.
24Put away from you a deceitful mouth
And put devious speech far from you.
25Let your eyes look directly ahead
And let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you.
26 Watch the path of your feet
And all your ways will be established
Salute! To your Health and Wellness