CeCe Winans: I Surrender All
(click on the link to hear the song)
All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give
I will ever love and trust Him
In His presence daily live
All to Jesus I surrender
Humbly at His feet I bow
Worldly pleasures all forsaken
Take me, Jesus, take me now,
I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all
All to Jesus I surrender
Make me Savior wholly thine
May Thy Holy Spirit fill me
May I know Thy power divine
I surrender all
This reminded me that there is NOTHING I can't accomplish when
I Freely Give my All to the Lord
Honoring Him by Honoring me ( body, mind and spirit)
Honoring Him by Honoring me ( body, mind and spirit)
That includes Donuts! (cryptic message)
So, since want to loose a few more pounds (not yet at my target weight) I will do a liquid fast today.
It's not about depriving myself of food,
it's about surrendering my "wants" my "desires"
It's about "taking control" of me and saying NO to me
It puts ME in CONTROL of ME!
I desire:
To not be controlled purely by emotion (stress)
To not be controlled by my body (cravings)
To not have a "war" going on in side of me
example: I want this but I can't have it..... (ahhh such nonsense we put up with)
So today when I have hunger pangs or just "feel like eating something" I will
1. Stop
2. Take a deep cleansing breath to re-focus
3. Say to my self (or maybe out loud)
"I surrender all".... (referring to food, eating)
4. Then I'll whisper a prayer for someone or something, re-channel the energy
I'm experiencing at that moment...
and asking God to meet a need or desire for me, someone else or for
a situation that needs God's touch.
That is what it's about.... Not starving to lose weight... Not just fasting to detox the
Fasting" to Balance my Body, Mind and Spirit and to gain control over ME making the right choices.
FYI: being the ideal weight does not necessary indicate you are healthy
but being over weight absolutely indicates you are not healthy
Salute! To your Health and Wellness