Wake up and Smell the Coffee
This is not possible unless you wake up and Get up and then MAKE the COFFEE!
(it's an action)
So, if you "want" this to be a GREAT day then.....
PLAN FOR IT then it has a better chance it Will Happen
Also, when I say....... Smell the coffee it means :
Wake up and take in a good full deep breath.
It'll Feed your BRAIN oxygen and detox your lungs
since you have been passively been breathing all night.
Say to yourself (as you take in and release each breath )
I WILL BE GLAD (thought)
REJOICE IN IT! (action)
Say it over and over and over until the words penetrate and FEED your SOUL.
It tells yourself that GOD made the day you have before you. Your Alive Man... Act like it.
Then Tell yourself to Put your big girl panties on and Face it with JOY, BE GLAD, REJOICE that you have another Opportunity to make this the best day EVER.
Be Glad you have one more day to show Love, Kindness, Patients....
Be Glad you have one more day to show courage strength and FAITH!
No matter what Storm you wake up to.... Y O U W O K E U P!
You've now feed your Body Oxygen
You've now feed your Mind seeds for a Great Attitude
NOW, Go feed your BODY some eat HIGH FIBER, Nutrient Rich Foods! Prepare for what is before you today.
Then (oh, you thought I was finished? hahaha)
Do 5 Minutes of Stretches and Maybe some lunges or jumping Jacks.... COME on for Heaven Sakes
MOVE that BODY.... Detox those dormant (from sleeping ) muscles.....
LOOK alive Man...
YOUR ALIVE !... ACT Like it,
Think like it,
Flipping DO IT!
"it" is being Alive... dahhhh
Ciao and Salute to Your Health and Wellness
If you're still having problems getting motivated try this:
Turn up some "heart pumping tunes"
Dance for ONE MINUTE
Sing along!
Do it..... You'll be pumped up for action
It'll engage your:
Your Voice
Your Mind
Your Soul
Your Breathing
Your Muscles
Change the atmosphere in the room
You'll be sending a Strong Message to yourself that You Have a Winning Attitude and Your ALIVE!
(if anyone sees you doing this and thinks your a nut..... so what?.... you're a nut who's alive!!! )