Day 1 of 5
5 Actions
1. Learn something new (any subject)
Curiosity about life unleashes our potential
Read The Art of Decanting by Sandra Jordan.
One of the things I learned in reading this book was why at the turn of the 20th century the name of the wineries and vintage of the wine was printed on the cork.
Read The Art of Decanting by Sandra Jordan.
One of the things I learned in reading this book was why at the turn of the 20th century the name of the wineries and vintage of the wine was printed on the cork.
2. Exercise my body for 30 minutes
Caring for the Temple of God
Exercised twice today for about 15 minute each time.
Note to self: Exercise at the beginning of the day so you won't end the day
disappointed that you forgot to do it.
Exercised twice today for about 15 minute each time.
Note to self: Exercise at the beginning of the day so you won't end the day
disappointed that you forgot to do it.
3. Plant a seed (Act) of kindness
Expressions of Gods love brings healing
Entertained Family at our Home.... This is weak but ok
Entertained Family at our Home.... This is weak but ok
4. Clean a shelf or a drawer in my home
Symbolic for purging, cleaning, and prioritizing
OOPS - forgot this one. Does cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry count. Answer: Nope
OOPS - forgot this one. Does cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry count. Answer: Nope
5. Write a thank you note to someone and MAIL it!
Thank someone for the gift you still use and appreciate.
Thank someone for being a good friend.
OOPS - sent a TEXT Thank you... This is ok, but not really the best way to say Thank you.
Tomorrow will be a great day!
OOPS - sent a TEXT Thank you... This is ok, but not really the best way to say Thank you.
Tomorrow will be a great day!